3rd Annual ELAPO Golf Outing

Friday, July 18, 2025


Friday, July 18, 2025


Meridian Sun Golf Course
1018 Haslett Rd.
Haslett, MI 48840


$100 - Adults
$62 - Students


8am Registration with Coffee and Muffins

Shotgun Start

9 am Shotgun Start

What's Included

18 Hole Scramble with Cart. Food will be served all day: Wisconsin Beer Brats, Burgers & Grilled Chicken, w/chips, salad and brownies; Water, Lemonade, Ice Tea, and Fountain Soft Drinks (Pepsi Products), to wash it all down!

Raffle tickets will be available for sale throughout the day. Winners will be announced during dinner. Prizes will be awarded for the top team score for the day.


For those adults joining us, ELAPO's mobile keg crew will be in full effect with freshly poured cups o'brew available on the course.

It's the most anticipated & fun golf event of the year!  Whether you’re a seasoned pro or you think a ‘scramble' is what you do when you can’t find your ball, this four-person scramble promises to be a day of fun, laughter, and perhaps a even a few memories. Remember, it’s not just about winning, but about how many divots you can blame on your teammates. So grab your clubs, embrace your inner comedian, and let’s tee off for the kids that live in the pool—because on July 18th, every slice counts!

Please choose your Registration Type:

  • Golf Only: You just want to register your team. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
  • Sponsor Only: Can't play, but you have a business to promote with a hole sign or one of our other sponsorship opportunities while showing support? Or do you want to sponsor a hole with a shout out to a student? This is the place for you.
  • Golf & Sponsor: A little of column A & a little of column B. This will allow you to choose sponsoring and registering a golf team in one fell swoop. Please note that some of our sponsor levels include 1 or more free golfers, so go this route if you are doing both.

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Payment Information

Transaction Fee Offset
All of the proceeds for this event go to the program. Please select this box if you're able to help offset the transaction fees associated with your registration.